Monday, November 27, 2006


i've had a few post waiting in the draft column, but i've decided to scrap them.
i can believe how quickly this year is coming to an end.
the time between Thanksgiving and Christmas always passes by too quickly.
the realization of getting married continues to bring a smile to my face.
i feel bad about talking so long about seemingly so little last night.
i wish there was snow on the ground.
i need to get my car fixed.
i'm excited about going to the Nutcracker this weekend.
snowboarding wont come soon enough.
it's date night day.
i spend too much time on stuff and not enough time with people.
i've been missing people a few certain people lately.
the distance of a few miles is a poor excuse not to spend time with someone.
i wonder where i'll be a year from now.
i am still learning.


The Horns and the Hawk said...

your apology about saying so much about so little - a few things.

1. i appreciate the preacher guy acknowledging that he doesn't know everything.

2. i really appreciated the group effort (once the group realized you seriously wanted us to participate) that it took to arrive to conclusions, or really, more questions.

3. i'm thinking about (and 95% sure at this point) of setting up a nice semi-complex blog like this guy:

there are different subscription packages for how many users you want. i was contemplating asking the likes of you, todd, gabe if you wanted to go in on like a 5 or a 10 person yearly subscription.

Todd Newton said...

"i feel bad about talking so long about seemingly so little last night."

I've been thinking about this a lot since Sunday as well. It was actually pretty frustrating for me, but not necessarily bad. I definitely won't say something like it was a "waste" of time but honestly I do feel like if the time had been spent differently we would have gotten more out of it.

I'm not trying to berate you. We just still need to talk, I guess.

stephen said...

i think the hard part of the amount of time was that it was on something that there wasn't a conclusion too. i wonder if we were talking about something that we could finish with "this is the answer that we've come to," it would have been seen differently.

i was greatful for the conversation that came out of it. i know there were a few conversations going on after Satellite that stemmed from that time.

i agree, we should still try to find some time to talk.

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