Saturday, August 18, 2007

Ahh, memories.

Sometimes I forget stuff that I once knew. Sometimes it's important stuff, other times it's stuff like this: The Oracle of Starbucks. A few years ago, while working for Starbucks a coworker of mine ran across this fine website. Needless to say we were all amazed by the Oracle's wisdom. Give it a try.

Oh, and do me a favor. Post a comment with the wisdom the Oracle gave you (and what drink you inputted.) Here's mine:

Quad Short Americano.

Behold the Oracle's wisdom:

Personality type: Asshat

You carry around philosophy books you haven't read and wear trendy wire-rimmed glasses even though you have perfect vision. You've probably added an accent to your name or changed the pronunciation to seem sophisticated. You hang out in coffee shops because you don't have a job because you got your degree in French Poetry. People who drink quad short americano are notorious for spouting off angry, liberal opinions about issues they don't understand.

Also drinks: Any drink with a foreign name
Can also be found at: The other, locally owned coffee shop you claim to like better
The Oracle is so wise.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Things I've written lately:

I haven't been posting here that often. The biggest reason for that is that I started a new blog a month or so ago. It's with, and I really like the format over there. So that's where I end up posting more often. So head over there and subscribe to my page and no one will get hurt.

I still feel some obligation to post here. If I end up commenting on someone else's blogger and they want to check my blog out, I'd like it to be somewhat current. At same time I'd rather not post the same thing on both blogs, so I'm left with writing different things for each blog. Some people I know do really well with this. I'm just not that creative.

If you want to see some pictures that I took on our journey across part of the country, click here.
If you want to read the beginning to the Spotted Cow Tales, here you go.
And if you're interested in some Emerging Church Poster Wars, this is the link for you.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License.