Tuesday, December 26, 2006

new thoughts. it's about time.

i've had a number of thoughts swelling in my mind lately. here's a few. i'll probably make these into a few posts.
last week there was a lot of snow out here. i spent 3 days, gladly stuck at Lauren's house with her and her family. we were stuck under 34 inches of beautiful snow. we watched a few movies. ate some food. general frivolity.

here's a thought on love.

i think, as i find myself in love with Lauren, my view of life is altered. love has done this for me. i see things and translate things different because of love.
here's the example i've noticed:
Lauren and i enjoy watching movies together. there have been many times, as we watch together, that we squeeze each others hands or turning to each other because we are watching something that seems to be a part of who we are. people acting with characteristics that seem to mirror characteristics of our life and love. it seems as if we become more aware of what we are watching, more familiar with what is around us.
i don't know that i am explaining this well. am i? let me try this. Todd gave us a beautiful statue of two greek gods (i'm sorry if i'm not getting this right, Todd). that statue is of a man sitting on rock with his love leaning against his body. the woman has her head tilted back and the man is leading his head forward to kiss the womans forehead. when Lauren and i saw this we both noticed the placement of the kiss. we both love the statue, but it seemed to have special meaning because the statue is centered around a kiss to a forehead. when i look at the statue i am reminded of my love for Lauren.
am i crazy or does anyone else know what i'm talking about?


The Horns and the Hawk said...

my view of life is altered. love has done this for me.

that's a really cool quote. did you ever read the epic of gilgamesh? if not, it comes highly recommended. there's a part where the king is depressed because his friend is dead, and he wants to ask the gods how to bring him back. someone tells him to give it up. his reply is that, "in love, you because less of yourself and more of the other, so that even when the other is not there, i reflect who they are." that line has stuck with me. though i've never felt returned love, and i've felt what i feel to be non familial love twice, i feel these statements are all true. unfortunately, they're things that you can't learn without doing, you can only accept.

there are questions/theories i have on the nature of a relationship. questions i can't answer because i haven't been there.

stephen said...

i will put the book on my list. thanks for the recommendation.

love. what a concept.

Jody said...

basically, here is a conversation I remember from when I was 16:

My friend Beth: I know Jesse cares about me; he just doesn't say it with words.

Me: Yeah, sometimes words mean nothing. Sometimes words actually get in the way of meaning. Sometimes words are meaningless, and it's all in the action of the other person.

Beth: yeah, you just have to know how to read it.

Me: I feel loved when [boyfriend] kisses me on the forehead. It's so innocent but so intimate.

Beth: yeah. my dad says that you can always tell if a guy cared because he'll kiss your forehead. It's like a secret code.

So, i know what you mean with the placement of the kiss.

Todd Newton said...

There's something to be said about the statue; there were two of them being sold and the other one was definitely more overtly sexual in nature. The one I gave to you was more romantic, more loving than sexual, which is why I liked it (and why I thought you'd like it).

I'm really glad you both enjoy it.

alicia said...

I was going to write a long comment about what you blogged about, but it all comes down to this:

I'm glad you're happy, Steve.

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