Thursday, December 07, 2006

the deafening sound of silence...

for those of you who have seen The Fountain you might have a visual of the situation.

do you remember the scene when Hugh's character was walking down the street? the only sound was the sound of his footsteps crunching snow on the sidewalk. he was deaf to the rest of the world. finally, he was shocked back to reality as a car horn honked as it nearly ran him over. when i saw that scene i really liked it. i really enjoyed the visual and audible effect. i had a moment like that today.

i had just finished a very serious meeting. i walked out to my car to head to another meeting. as i turned the key to my car nothing happened. my car wouldn't start. my next meeting was 4 blocks away, so i started to walk. as i walked down the sidewalk of a very busy street i heard nothing but my footsteps. my mind was blank--numb. the world around me seemed to disappear.

the silence
i experienced
during that
walk was painful.

there wasn't a point when i was shaken back to reality for me.
it was more of a gradual thing.

but that
time of silence
was deafening.


The Horns and the Hawk said...

what was the source of the silence? i mean, what were you concentrating on so hard that it drowned out the world?

when i saw that scene, it reminded me of the time i saw baby geniuses (poor me), and there was a scene where there was no soundtrack, only sound effects, so you ended up with this baby trying on these ridiculous costumes and tap dancing, but all's you hear is the baby and the rustling of clothes, but no music. that's what i thought was happening the first time i saw the fountain.

lastly, because i'm incapable of a simple single part comment, i had that happen once in church. it was bizarre. i was sitting and listening (and this is at the church i used to go to), then everything kind of blanked out. like, physically, i know i didn't go anywhere, because i remember sitting there the whole time, but things just started fading away, the pastor's voice, soon the pastor himself is gone, everyone kind of faded a way, and a low rushing sound became evident at the edge of my conscious. i was really lost in thought, though i cannot say what i thought, and then as soon as i realized i heard a rushing sound, it all came to this intense feeling crescendo, and it felt like the rushing came from behind me and passed over me, and then all of a sudden it was back to normal. that's the only time i've experienced something like that.

stephen said...

sorry, but i need to be vague for a bit. i hated to even post without even being able to openly disclose what happened.

in due time.

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